Sunday 7 December 2008

Sex in Paul's bedrooom

Hans, JMP's resident mixologist, has come back from his residential training with a twinkle in his eye, ready to deal with all our Sunday cocktail hour requirements. His latest discovery is 'Sex in Paul's bedroom' which, he tells me, is surprisingly satisfying. 

Ingredients: 1 ounce each of raspberry liqueur, Malibu and pineapple juice.

Method: pour ingredients into a Martini glass. Garnish with a glace cherry. Do not mix.

And, as Hans says, bottoms up! 


Anonymous said...

Please send Hans round so that I can try one of his famous cocktails in the comfort of my own boudoir.
I promise to send him back unscathed...

Anonymous said...

From your post title, I assumed this must refer to Mr B. Which in cocktail form would presumably involve shandy, and a brief shake.