"...the more we understand why we do what we do, the more we can change ourselves for the better and enjoy the fuller, happier lives we deserve..."
Quite, Dolly. Quite.
Incidentally, Dolly's website gave one lucky reader the chance to attend his 'VIP' book launch. On 28 March he reported that 'Sukipo' had won, on the back of a 'comment' - presumably elsewhere on the blog - that began -
I would love to win a copy of your book. I am 57 and unable to find paid employment after working for many years in Senior Management, ageism is.
"Ageism is"?
Anyway, in the next, and last, post, on 3rd April, there comes the inevitable report -
"Sadly Sukipo, who won the competition, couldn't attend..."
Sukipo clearly saw which the way wind is blowing.
"... but I am sending her a signed book."
Christ, she's 57 and unemployed (ageism is). Hasn't she suffered enough, Dolly?
If you're inviting captions for the pic, how about
'Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle (But At Least I've Got A Lifebelt)'?
PS Have you chacked out your news sidebar recently? It currently reads:
Gordon Brown to Blame for
Like it!
pp - rudeness/coarseness alert - I believe the classic caption for this picture is 'Kate Garraway and her unshaven tw@t and ring!'.
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