Sunday 12 October 2008


...term to describe the-most-dangerous-woman-in-the-world doing the rounds in the States, as noted by Ben Macintyre in the Books section of today's ST.

You're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on the top. You stop and think: how the hell did it get up there? It didn't get up there on its own; it doesn't belong up there and it certainly doesn't know what to do now it's there. And finally you wonder: what kind of dumb-ass put it up there in the first place?

(And that's it for Captain Haddock. I've enjoyed the adventure and have been honoured to have you along for company, dear reader. I'd just like to thank one or two people who made it all possible: my lovely children, Moonrise and Leaf; my gorgeous wife and aromatherapist, Angelina; all the lads on the Ark Royal...that's enough thanks - ed.)

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